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Still-life style

 Life is too short to stick to one genre of photography

    In 2017 when I purchased my first camera, I was more into the gear rather than photography, trying to discover the equipment, playing with lenses, taking random photos... It took me a while to find myself more into street photography than any other genre.

    I was often in the streets, maybe I had no choice, just documenting street life whenever I had my camera with me, or even a mobile, however from time to time, I take a break from this discipline and shoot different subjects where people are omitted, it could be a landscape, a macro, or still-life objects at home.

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Fruit shot on film | Kodak Gold 200

Once I was bored and not well motivated to go out hunting street photos, I cut my fruit and was about to eat them, then just said, wait, let me take a photo, a still life photo, I mounted my Nikon, measured the light, as I had to turn off the light to have that dark background, I needed to use the timer feature of my Nikon F3.

10, 9, 8,....1  Trunnnn ( the shutter noise was too loud at night).

Days later, I developed my film, and that was the result, not bad, I just love how film can process the colours, the melons, grapes, apple... a still life painting, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I love it.

Once again, took some fruit out of the fridge, in a dark environment,  using a digital camera this time, I made my setup, and at 1.6 seconds of exposure, I made this photograph.

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Fruit shot on digital

Still life images as the name indicates, everything still, any object which doesn't move, it can be fruits, vegetables, dishes.... or flowers for example.

Once I went to IKEA and while looking around like any customer, I found this pot with a phalaenopsis flower inside, just like loved the color composition between the pot and the flower itself, I didn't hesitate to take out my phone and snap a photo.

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phalaenopsis flower

In the end, I am not a still-life photographer or painter, the purpose of this post is to show that art was never a prison for a style or a category, if you like something, don't let your style imposes boundaries on what you can do.

To sum up, for a photographer, I would say. don't let your style limit your imagination.

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